Peters Township Magisterial Position Filled

July 19, 2022 4:54 am

The magisterial office in Peters Township has been operated by senior judges since Common Pleas Court Judge Jesse Pettit was sworn in at the beginning of this year. As of Monday, the office now has a permanent Magistrate in former Common Pleas Judge Phillippe A. Melograne, Esq. Melograne, a Peters Township resident, worked through the public notice about the open position. He obtained sponsorship from State Senators Camera Bartolotta and Devlin Robinson to have his name submitted to the Governor’s office for nomination. Once approved by the Governor, Melograne was unanimously approved by the State Senate. Melograne will be filling out the remainder of Judge Pettit’s term. His first try at election will be the May 2023 primary. That all depends on whether the Peters Township office will remain open. The County Court is looking to realign the magisterial system and eliminate two offices. The easiest to eliminate would have been the Peters Township office as it had a vacancy. Now that the vacancy is filled, it remains to be seen if the office will close. Melograne’s start date is pending the review of all documents submitted for the position. Melograne thanked his wife and family for their support and thanked many other friends and colleagues at his swearing in ceremony at the courthouse Monday afternoon.