Peters Twp. Re-Hears Zoning Change

July 26, 2022 4:10 am

A zoning ordinance change that was defeated by a 3-3 tie vote by council earlier this year, was introduced again in Peters Township. A public hearing was held to gather input on changes to a zoning ordinance governing the types of apartment dwellings that can be built in the mixed-use activity center areas of the township. Currently the ordinance allows apartment buildings that contain no more than 36 units in a single structure. Developer Al Neyer is currently asking that council amend the ordinance to eliminate that limit and let them build a proposed apartment complex that would have two buildings containing 120 units and 68 units with what they describe as high-end amenities. Additional changes would alter the calculation of square footage of living space in a building allowed in a development. The final change would eliminate the requirement for covered parking in an apartment complex. Seth Koons, Assistant Planning Director stated that studies show that high end apartment developments like the proposed complex are a demographic currently not served in the township. Audience members commenting during the hearing were unanimous in their opposition to the development. They are concerned about traffic in an already congested area and they state that a development like this is not part of the character that defines Peters Township.