Aesthetics and safety were two topics of concern in Peters Township at Monday’s Council Meeting. One item addressed was the removal of trees on Snyder Road. Residents were concerned that the township’s wishes to clear nearly 50 trees that were in the township’s right of way would severely affect the wooded nature of their street. The township met with the residents and explained that the need to perform this maintenance is necessary from the standpoint of safety and that the only trees being removed are those that are dead, diseased or are in danger of restricting the free flow of traffic. Once residents understood the township’s needs, no objections were registered. Council also authorized staff to contract with the Cohen Law Group. This organization will assist the township in regulating the upcoming 5G improvements in wireless technology. When 5G becomes available, it will be necessary for wireless companies to install many 30 foot utility poles in the right of way. Many township developments have underground utilities and this technology will cause residents to see utility poles in their neighborhoods where they did not exist before. The purpose of this hire is to find a way to manage the installation of the poles and best maintain the beauty of the neighborhood. Council cannot ban the installation as the utility poles fall under the purview of the Public Utilities Commission and the Federal Communications Commission.
Peters Township Removes Trees Over Safety Concerns
November 12, 2019 4:05 am