Peters Township School Board Discusses Calendar

March 19, 2024 4:48 am

Peters Township School Board Directors discussed several measures at length at their meeting Monday night. The item that brought deep discussion was a draft version of the school calendar for two years from today. Two versions of 2025-2026 calendar were presented with the only difference between them was the length of Spring Break around the Easter holiday. One version had a ten day break for students, the second only five days. Approved by a 6-3 vote was the calendar with the longer break. That calendar will be presented to the public for their comment in the near future. As far as the calendar for the 2024-2025 school year, that was approved in January. The first day of school will be August 21, 2024. Christmas break will begin December 21 and students will return on January 2, 2025. The last day of school will be June 5, 2025.  A second topic that drew discussion was the planned upgrades to computer devices that are issued to students for their classroom use. A $182,000 annual lease for a combined 1048 laptops and chromebooks was approved unanimously after detailed discussion was held regarding whether computers should be district owned or privately owned. The item is part of a three year upgrade program to replace computers that have been worn out through student use.