Peters Township Tackles Land Development Issues

April 23, 2024 4:49 am

Peters Township Council spent a long evening making decisions on several land parcels that have been under consideration for development. In the beginning of the night, council reconvened a public hearing on rezoning of approximately 17 acres of land adjacent to E. McMurray Road. On one parcel, an assisted living facility was proposed, on the second parcel approximately 80 townhomes were proposed. Council took testimony for an hour hearing about increased traffic and safety for young children that are in the existing neighborhood that would contain a main traffic artery. Council removed the Mixed Residential Overlay and rezoned the property to Low Density Residential. The developer of the plans, Andrew Zahalsky had no comment on the action.  Also at issue was the Froebe Gardens Development adjacent to Peterswood Park. Developers initially asked for a time extension for a decision on the development. That request was denied. Also denied was the approval of the development. Township officials criticized the developer for not taking action on approximately 3 dozen conditions associated with this development and two prior plans that had similar conditions applied to them. Council denied the plan for 191 homes presented and the property will likely be rezoned to Low Density Residential. Finally, at the end of the evening, council heard from residents concerned about a development in North Strabane Township that will border Peters Lake Park. Residents hope that Peters Township Council will join them in their efforts to prevent the building of the Collective at Peters Lake. Council did offer their support to the group but explained to them that they have no say in the matter, but will make sure that North Strabane Township officials are aware of their concerns. Council will hold a joint meeting with the Peters Township School District on April 29 to update each other on happenings in each of their organizations.