Peters Township Ties Up Loose Ends

September 27, 2022 4:01 am

Peters Township Council had a number of business items accumulate throughout the last several months and Monday night was the night to put those items to rest. Council started by adopting their employee performance management policy that dictates how employees receive raises. They also updated their employee handbook. The most noteworthy was directing staff to enter into a lease agreement with AT&T to have them provide better cellular telephone coverage in the township. They will install a 90 foot high tower to attach antennae to begin to address their lack of cell coverage. They will also provide lighting from that tower to light a football practice field. A $24,000 lease for the land is also included. Township Manager Paul Lauer indicated that Verizon will begin addressing their needs by locating antennae on an existing power pole on Druid Drive and T-Mobile will do the same thing on a pole at the intersection of Center Church and Rolling Hills Drive. Lauer cautioned council that these are initial steps and will not solve all of the problems with cell coverage in the township. Council also directed staff to begin prequalifying contractors for the possible construction of the proposed aquatic center. The project still needs to be approved but according to Lauer, this is the first step in being able to put the project out to bid. Proposals came in over budget last year and the project was put on hold and changes were made to the design. Since then, the township has been awarded $3.2 million in grants. Lauer hopes to have the final proposals in so that council may approve the project and award bids on the fourth Monday in January.