Peters Township To Apply For Sharpshooter Program

October 11, 2022 3:53 am

Peters Township Council made quick work of their meeting Monday night. In a meeting in less than 30 minutes the township did put several things in motion. The township will make application with the state once again to participate in a sharpshooter program to cull deer in the township. Last year township police were stationed across sections of the township with the goal of taking 125 deer in order to cut down on deer related car accidents. The long term goal is to get deer related car accidents to a figure of 65 or less. In other township business council authorized staff to apply for an LSA grant to fix a landslide on Hidden Valley Rd. The repair estimate is approximately $400,000. Township staff will also begin drafting a program for students for a Junior Councilman Program. The program would be modeled after a program developed by the Pennsylvania Boroughs Association. Councilman Frank Kosir is the driving force behind the effort.