Peters Twp To Purchase Police Vehicles

August 23, 2022 3:59 am

Peters Township Council met Monday night and conducted a largely procedural meeting. Council agreed to purchase two police vehicles. They are going to be 2022 models. Originally, vehicles were to be purchased in 2023 but purchasing now and holding the transaction until 2023 will allow the township to save approximately $8,000 per vehicle. Council also authorized the purchase of a cardiac monitor/defibrillator for $39,966. The purchase price will be largely offset by a grant of $37,237 from the state Fire Commissioner’s Office. Council  scheduled a public hearing for a proposed office/warehouse at 324 Venetia Road. The hearing will be held September 26. A proposed agreement with Cingular Wireless to construct a 90 foot cellular tower was tabled to allow further negotiations with AT&T and Verizon Wireless.