Pirates Help Save The Season After Flooding

May 3, 2024 5:00 am

HOUSTON BOROUGH, Pa. — (WPXI) – The Pittsburgh Pirates jumped in to help save the season for the Chartiers-Houston Girls Softball Association after a series of floods put it in doubt. President of the association James Hollenbach said he was at a loss for words when he saw the flooding on April 9. It was the second time in a week that heavy rains forced a nearby creek to overflow and flood the nearby softball field. The season for the girl’s softball program was set to begin in only a few weeks, but at the time, that felt like an unreachable goal. Everyone rushed to help. Parents, local businesses and even the Pirates pitched in. The Pirates’ Fields For Kids program specializes in renovating community fields. Team president Travis Williams told Channel 11 that the organization jumped in to help as soon as they saw the photos of the flooding. Hollenbach added that without the community’s help, they still may not have a season. Instead, they were able to start on time last week. The Pirates and the Chartiers-Houston Girls Softball Association celebrated the renovation ahead of a game on the field Thursday. Players and coaches will also attend a Pirates game on Saturday to celebrate a job well done.