Pitt Protesters Packing Up

April 30, 2024 4:56 am

PITTSBURGH — (WPXI) – Protesters are packing up at Pitt and tents are coming down after a nearly weeklong demonstration at Schenley Plaza. Demonstrators in Oakland say their fight isn’t over, still demanding the university divest from companies profiting from the Israel-Hamas War. “We want Pitt to stop working with any organizations that support Israeli military with weapons, arms and technology,” Elyanna Sharbaji said. Students set up the encampment in Schenley Plaza last week. The movement, sparked by Columbia University, is now happening at college campuses nationwide. Pittsburgh police say these protesters have been peaceful. Protesters say they’ve had some conversations with the university about cutting ties with Israel but haven’t come to an agreement. Until they do, they plan on keeping the pressure on the administration.