Pittsburgh Church Struck By Lightning

August 22, 2022 4:12 am

PITTSBURGH — (WPXI) – A local church was struck by lightning just before Sunday’s service. St. Boniface Roman Catholic Church, located on East Street in Pittsburgh’s Spring Hill-City View neighborhood was just about to hold mass at around 8:55 a.m. when the lighting hit. Our crew at the scene learned that close to 150 parishioners were inside the building at the time. The dome of the church is moderately damaged with tiles hitting the road below. The speaker and electrical systems inside were also damaged. “We heard it inside the church, knocked off the electricity. Some of the lights came on but there’s electrical damage inside. The sound system is not in good shape. We had some other little problems but mainly the roof is in not the best of shape,” said Father Larry DiNardo. He said no one was hurt and gatherers were able to start services after emergency crews cleared the scene.