Pittsburgh Police Officer Dies From Injuries In Shooting

July 18, 2019 4:07 am

PITTSBURGH – (WPXI) – Off-duty police officer Calvin Hall, who was shot early Sunday morning in Pittsburgh’s Homewood neighborhood, has died, officials confirmed Wednesday. Hall, 36, was at a house on Monticello Street visiting friends when he was shot three times in the back, according to investigators. He died Wednesday at UPMC Presbyterian Hospital. “We as a Bureau are heartbroken. We are in mourning. We are supporting each other, and we are keeping Officer Hall’s family in our prayers and doing whatever we can to support and lift them in this dark, devastating time,” Pittsburgh Bureau of Police Chief Scott Schubert said in a statement. Hall was stationed in Northview Heights for the last two years. Police said he was assigned there because of his positive attitude and ability to relate to people. Schubert’s statement went on to say: “In his time here he left an indelible mark on his brother and sister officers, as well as the community he served. He was known for his quick smile, ever-optimistic attitude and for his career-long focus on community policing. He was a model officer. He made it a priority to connect with residents, and succeeded in doing so.” “He was only there to help people and save lives. Now he’s gone,” said Brenda Jones, the vice president of the Northview Heights Citizen Council. Jones and the rest of her community are trying to comprehend Hall’s death and realizing that they won’t see him in the neighborhood anymore. “He talked to a lot of kids, and they asked him how to be a police officer, and they said when they grow up, that’s what they want to be,” Jones said. “Anyone in need of help he would be right there to help them, and that’s what I’m going to miss,” Jones said. Officials said Hall previously worked for the Braddock Police Department and had also worked as a police officer for Point Park University.