City, School District Finalizing Baseball Field Improvements

August 5, 2023 3:00 am

Washington Mayor Scott Putnam has announced that the city and the Washington School District are finalizing plans to cooperatively make improvements to the Colt League baseball field in Washington Park. The field will be covered with artificial turf and will have a dual use as a baseball and softball field. The field will be used by the school district and city youth league baseball. In other business, Council took on an agenda full of personnel moves. First off, James Kubacki was sworn in as an officer for the City of Washington Police Department. Then, Sergeant John Hritz was promoted to Lieutenant and Corporal Kent Mitchell was promoted to Sergeant. Council approved the purchase of 6 additional body cameras for the police department at a cost of $24,152. Funding for the purchase is through a Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency grant. An $1800 funding gap for the purchase was filled by a $2000 donation from Neal and Dan Isiminger and their families. Fire Chief Chris Richer thanked council for the funding necessary to outfit the 2023 Pierce Saber Fire Engine. Richer stated that the truck will be in service on October 1. Council also hired three new public works employees and appointed Carole DeAngelo to the Washington Business District Authority.