North Strabane Township Supervisors met Tuesday night and an item buried deep in the agenda was the authorization of a separation agreement between the township and its police chief Brian Hughes. No details were given during the meeting before supervisors voted unanimously 4-0 to enter into the agreement. Township Manager Andrew Walz would not comment on the item citing it as a personnel issue but he did indicate a right to know request can be filed at the end of the week. In other business supervisors granted the developers of Ashford Place their conditional use application adding several conditions to the application before the vote. The development is a single building multifamily construction. Some of those conditions required are a height restriction of not more than three stories, a 49 unit maximum for the building, a privacy fence and building line that will be measured from the nearest point of a right of way and not from the property line. Prior to the meeting a public hearing was held to review changes to the township’s zoning ordinance recommended by Planning and Zoning Director Anthony Asciolla. Items under consideration are an annual permitting process to regulate the operations of Air BnB and VRBO properties, less restrictive rules for keeping chickens and new regulations for beekeepers. Electric vehicle charging stations were also addressed in the proposed new ordinance. Citizens may view the changes for the next 30 days.