NEW YORK (AP) – A daughter of Eric Garner is thanking New York City Police Commissioner James O’Neill for firing the officer who placed her father in a chokehold that contributed to his death in 2014. Emerald Snipes Garner said Monday she wanted to thank O’Neill “for doing the right thing” in firing Officer Daniel Pantaleo. But she said her family’s fight for justice “is not over.” Garner said her family wants to see action taken against the other officers who were present when Pantaleo tried to arrest her father. And she said she wants to see an “Eric Garner Law” passed that would make police chokeholds illegal. Garner appeared with the Rev. Al Sharpton after O’Neill announced his decision. Sharpton said supporters of the Garner family are relieved that Pantaleo has been fired “but not celebratory.” (Photo: CNN)