Power Typhoon Batters Japan

September 18, 2022 8:12 am

TOKYO (AP) — A powerful typhoon has slammed ashore in southern Japan and is pounding the region with strong winds and heavy rain, causing blackouts, paralyzing ground and air transportation and prompting the evacuation of thousands of people. The Japan Meteorological Agency says Typhoon Nanmadol is heading north after making landfall in Kagoshima city on Japan’s southern main island of Kyushu. It’s packing maximum winds of 101 miles per hour and is forecast to reach Tokyo on Tuesday. The weather agency predicted as much as 20 inches of rainfall by Monday evening and warned of flooding and landslides. It also warned of “unprecedented” levels of powerful winds and waves. Residents in hard-hit Kagoshima are told to stay inside stable buildings on second floor or higher.