The Borough of Charleroi met at their agenda meeting and one discussion item that caused earlier strife in the county, caused even more tense feelings in the borough. After Donald Trump referenced Charleroi in a campaign rally speech in September, Borough Council President Kristin Hopkins-Calcek released a statement simultaneously with a press release authored by the Mon Valley Alliance. Because board members of the MVA were not aware of the release, several have resigned to show that they in no way were involved with the issuance of the press release. Councilman Larry Celaschi called out Hopkins-Calcek for not alerting borough council of her statement. Celaschi says that the signature made it look like it was an official statement from the board, they should have been consulted. At particular issue was a line that made reference to a 50 acre industrial property along the river. Celaschi said that it was insensitive to the employees at the Corelle Plant to infer that they will be out of their jobs soon by marketing the property. Hopkins-Calcek indicated that it was in no way a concession to the plant closing. She recited the elected officials that she has been in contact with both federally and in the state. She said the statement was to be taken as forward thinking because if the plant does close, she wanted to make people aware of the location and the strong workforce available in Charleroi. Business that council will consider at their voting meeting will be a first reading of a proposed ordinance establishing building permits in accordance with the Uniform Construction Code. They will look to approve several maintenance issues in the borough and vote to advertise for a new solid waste collection contract.