Nearly 100 supporters of the LGBTQ Community gathered on the Washington County Courthouse steps to await an announcement from the Washington County Gay Straight Alliance. Lt. Governor John Fetterman (pictured) was invited to announce that Washington will host its inaugural Pride Fest on June 27, 2020. The festival will fall on the 50th anniversary of the first Pride Fest event. Aside from Fetterman, Local officials on hand included Mayor Scott Putnam who delivered a proclamation. County Commissioners Larry Maggi and Harlan Shober attended and Common Pleas Judge John Disalle delivered a stirring address promoting diversity and decrying hate and division in our society today. Kathy Cameron, Executive Director of the Washington County Gay Straight Alliance commended County Commissioners for their recent efforts to extend protections to members of the county workforce who identify in the LGBTQ community. The WCGSA seeks to achieve equality in treatment and protections for the LGBTQ community. Supporters point out that currently there are no protections from discrimination for the LGBTQ community federally or in Pennsylvania. For more information on how you can support the cause, go to www.pavalues.org