NORTH VERSAILLES, Pa. — Cell phone videos of Republican Vice Presidential Nominee JD Vance are circulating on social media after the Ohio Senator was reportedly turned away from Primanti Bros. in North Versailles Saturday morning. Allegheny County Republican Party Chair Sam DeMarco said Sen. Vance made a stop at the restaurant on E. Pittsburgh McKeesport Boulevard to pick up lunch. It was spontaneous, but he said a manager wouldn’t let Vance go inside initially and even threatened to call police. “Senator Vance was absolutely turned away today,” DeMarco said. Primanti Bros. CEO Adam Golomb sent a statement trying to clarify, basically saying the staff was caught off guard. The statement read:
“Primanti’s prides itself on being a staple of the Pittsburgh community and a proud American business that has hosted sitting presidents, politicians, and political candidates from across the spectrum for over 90 years. Our doors are open to all patrons who wish to dine with us. Without any advance notice, today’s campaign stop caused some momentary confusion for our staff. However, Senator Vance and his team were welcomed into our restaurant shortly after and engaged with our guests inside and on the property. Senator Vance’s supportive comments that our manager got a little nervous given the secret service, police and crowd accurately reflect the nature of what occurred, but we are glad that it was resolved quickly.”
After Vance took pictures and spoke with supporters in the parking lot, DeMarco said he went inside Primanti’s. “After that he then went in, paid the bill for everybody there, left a generous tip, and then he came out and he was very gracious,” he said.