Public Will Be Able To View County Election Results

April 12, 2024 2:39 am

The Washington County Board of Elections says it has taken steps to make it easier for the public to view and access the Primary Election returns.  Board members say their aim is to ensure transparency and integrity, and to instill confidence in residents that county elections are conducted freely and fairly.  On election night, the public can watch the results being returned from the poll workers via a live feed of security cameras displayed on large televisions in the public meeting room. The room is located on the ground floor of the Crossroads Center at 95 W Beau Street in  Washington.  Access to the building will be from the Franklin Street entrance.  In addition, one authorized representative per candidate on the ballot and one authorized representative per political party on the ballot will be allowed to view the return of the results via predetermined and marked areas inside the Elections Office. To gain access, a letter on candidate letterhead or political party letterhead must be presented, identifying the representative as authorized to view the election returns.  (Photo:  AP)