PUC Investigates Proposed Utility Rate Increases

April 4, 2024 3:34 pm

 (WPXI) – The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) announced it will be investigating the proposed rate increases at Columbia Gas and Duquesne Light Company.  The organization said it voted Thursday to investigate the rate increases. It also voted to suspend the rate increase at both companies for up to seven months.  The proposed increase at Duquesne Light would produce a general increase in electric distribution rates at around $133 million, which would increase customer rates by $101 million over current charges. Under the proposal, the total monthly bill for an average residential customer using 600 kilowatt hours would increase from $130.67 to $139.19 (6.52%).  Columbia Gas would see an increase of $124.1 million per year. Under the proposal, the total monthly bill for a residential customer using 70 therms of gas would increase from $118.16 to $136.92 (15.88%).  A final decision about Columbia Gas’s increase is due by Dec. 14, while the decision about Duquesne Light’s increase is due by Dec. 20.