Puerto Ricans Worry About Future If Governor Stays

July 23, 2019 4:26 am

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) – The political crisis in Puerto Rico has escalated to a point where many wonder how Gov. Ricardo Rosselló will be able to govern the U.S. territory in the coming days and possibly weeks amid the massive protests to oust him.  Rosselló dug his heels in late Monday after what seems to have been the biggest protest the island has seen in nearly two decades, telling Fox News that he has already apologized and made amends following the leak of an offensive, obscenity-laden online chat between him and his advisers that triggered the crisis.  But Puerto Ricans remained unsatisfied and vowed to keep protesting until he steps down, no matter how long it takes.  Tuesday marked the 11th consecutive day of protests as government officials around Rosselló kept resigning.