Activists gathered on the steps of the Washington County Courthouse to air their feelings about notification of deficient mail in ballots and ballot curing in upcoming elections in Washington County. The Center for Coalfield Justice hosted the rally about a hearing on arguments regarding the Washington County Board of Elections decision to not give mail in ballot users notice that their ballot contains errors and disallowing ballot curing in total. They want to make sure voters are aware that clerical errors may cause their vote not to count. Bracken Burns spoke on behalf of the Washington Branch of the NAACP in an address that went through the alphabet describing how the commissioner’s decision was unamerican, unpatriotic and unrepublican. Bruce Jacobs is one of those mail in ballot users that weeks after the April primary election, found out that his ballot was not counted and he considers himself disenfranchised. He said that the commissioner’s decision to not notify mail in voters of defects in their ballot was a deliberate act to disenfranchise. After the rally, the two dozen activists filled the courtroom of Judge Brandon Neuman to hear arguments in the case.