Range Resources & Others Paid $3 Million Over Health Claims

June 4, 2019 2:17 am

A Washington County Court Judge has lifted an injunction that prevented the publication of a settlement agreement between Range Resources and a group of Amwell Township residents over claims that their operations damaged their health. The terms of the settlement, made in August of 2018, were revealed Tuesday after Range Resources agreed to make its portion of the agreement public. President Judge Katherine Emery then vacated her temporary injunction that had barred publication of the agreement terms that were mistakenly made available to WESA reporter Reid Frazier because of a computer glitch in the Washington County Prothonotary’ s office. David Strassburger, Frazier’s attorney, said he was pleased with the outcome of the hearing, calling it a victory for first amendment rights for the media. The document revealed that Range Resources and ten other companies involved in developing the Jager shale gas well site in Amwell Township paid Stacy Haney and her neighbors three-million-dollars to settle their claims that the well damaged their health.