As Western Pennsylvania entered the green phase of reopening last week, Peters Township took steps to get its residents the recreational activities they have been missing for nearly three months. Township Manager Paul Lauer alerted Peters Twp. Council that all parks, playgrounds and athletic fields are now open and girls softball and boys baseball leagues are now back to playing games. The library is taking its reopening in phases. Books are being recycled using curbside pickup and delivery currently but beginning next week the library will be opening the building section by section so that in about four weeks the library will be in full operation once again. Lauer credited Parks and Recreation Director Michele Harmel for researching methods to be able to keep the popular Concert In The Park and Movies In The Park series for the year. Dedicated circles will be applied to the ground to allow families to gather together and still maintain the social distancing guidelines suggested by the CDC and Pennsylvania Department of Health. Lauer also stated that the Community Recreation Center will reopen on June 15.
Recreation Returns In Peters Twp
June 9, 2020 4:29 am