Teacher Reports Illnesses After Return To School

April 20, 2023 4:12 am

ELIZABETH TOWNSHIP, Pa. — (WPXI)- A massive fire tore through part of Elizabeth Forward High School in February. It destroyed the auditorium, music wing and more. After two months of remote learning, teachers and students returned to the building earlier this month, and now, teachers tell our news partners at Channel 11 that people keep getting sick. “A whole lot of health problems from our staff and students since we’ve been back,” ninth-grade teacher and union vice president Justin Plansinis said. “The district has done testing and we don’t dispute the tests they’ve done so far have been accurate, but what we’re concerned about is that people are still feeling unwell, so whatever is doing that is not coming through on their tests.” It’s unclear what’s causing the illnesses, but Plansinis thinks it has something to do with cleaning products and a lack of ventilation. He says teachers sent a letter to the school board last week and received a reply reiterating that testing has come back clean. He says the right thing to do would be to shut back down temporarily.