County Controller Removed From Meeting

May 17, 2024 2:08 am

It was a business as usual agenda that was on tap for Washington County Commissioners on Thursday until the meeting reached the public comment slot. Several residents further criticized Commissioners Nick Sherman and Electra Janis for their decision to prevent ballot curing for the April primary election. One county resident chimed in with those complaints and addressed other concerns. A.C. Rowland asked county commissioners if there was any follow up to claims made by County Controller April Sloane about spending being over budget. Rowland then turned on Sloane and criticized her for her ongoing animal cruelty case now working its way through the court system. Sloane stood up during the comment to vehemently defend herself letting Rowland know that she was not meeting with the District Attorney about her case but in fact meeting about items concerning her position. The confrontation quickly turned into a screaming match and Commissioner Nick Sherman tried to gavel the meeting back to order to no avail. He quickly ordered sheriff’s deputies to escort both Rowland and Sloane from the meeting. Commissioner Larry Maggi commended Sherman for his quick action in bringing the meeting back to order. Sherman concluded the meeting by saying that he appreciates all public comment, even comments critical of him, but he will not let meetings “turn into a circus.”