Monessen Residents attending the Wednesday night City Council meeting hoping for a more civilized atmosphere had their hopes dashed. Over 100 people crammed into council chambers to see just how Mayor Matthew Shorraw and City Council would govern going forward. To say the least residents were treated to a circus. Before the meeting even started, the Mayor and two council members were served subpoenas by a constable. Once the meeting started, an argument ensued regarding the Mayor’s wanting to ratify the appointments made during the reorganization meeting. No list of appointments was available and the motion was tabled due to lack of information. During Councilman Anthony Orzechowski’s report, he asked City Administrator John Harhai to resign over his use of volunteers in his office where those volunteers could have accessed sensitive information on residents. Orzechowski pointed to privacy laws that could have been violated and opened the city to lawsuits. Councilman Gil Coles came under fire for asking for bills to be paid with no list of bills that he wanted to be paid. And finally the Mayor had to table three of his agenda items due to his lack of due diligence study. Shorraw wanted to change vendors on a police department computer upgrade to a firm that does not have federally mandated credentials. Shorraw wanted to appoint a member to a Sewer Authority Board position that had been filled at the end of 2019. Had that motion been approved, that decision would have been challenged in court. The solicitor stated that there was no way that the City would win the case. Finally, after a night where council members detailed the fact that the city has no money and could be on the verge of Act 47 management from the state, Shorraw wanted to farm out payroll services for the city at the cost of $300 dollars per week. Councilman Orzechowski fought against this move because of the funding issue and that it could cause a grievance to be filed by the union workers in the city. All three of these motions were tabled and Shorraw stated that remedies would be available at the next council meeting on February 11.