Residents Speak Out Against Apartment Complex

October 18, 2023 4:50 am

A standing room only crowd met North Strabane Township Supervisors at a public hearing dedicated to the granting of conditional use for a proposed apartment complex. The Alpha Capital Group is proposing the development of  The Summit at Woodlawn, two apartment buildings that contain 37 apartments each on Woodlawn Drive, just off W. McMurray Road near the intersection with Morganza Road. Public comment was decidedly against the project with some residents of Woodlawn Drive asking supervisors to deny the application and let the court decide the outcome. Several people talked of decreased property values and the wisdom of putting apartments in the middle of a development that features single family homes and townhomes. Traffic was mentioned. Lisa Salamon pointed to a study performed by the Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission in 2019 that indicated that because of increased commercial and residential development along with the upcoming opening of the Southern Beltway, the intersection of W. McMurray Road and Morganza Road should be signalized. A turning lane on W. McMurray should also be installed. Lisa Schaeffer is a law enforcement official and she pointed out safety. She said that background checks done by landlords are many times deficient and may not reveal the true criminal background of a prospective tenant. She also is calling for security gates or huts to check the identity of people entering the buildings. She indicates that the transient nature of apartment buildings is a large influence on criminal activity. Supervisors continued the hearing until November 21 at 6:00 pm to consider additional information requested by supervisors. In township business, supervisors will look to authorize the purchase of the Lighthouse Electric building. They will also consider increasing fines for on street parking.