Residents Want Answers To Health Impact Of Fracking

October 6, 2022 4:04 am

Washington County residents were updated on the “PA Health and Environmental Studies” research study being performed by the University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health and overseen by the Pennsylvania Department of Health that is looking into the reasons for the occurrence of cancer at high rates in the area. Former members of the External Advisory Board to the study hosted the event that explained to residents the scope of the study and allowed them to ask questions of the panel to gain insight in how the study was conducted. The study encompasses an eight county region that includes Washington County where extensive fracking activities take place. The study looks into several criteria including the high occurrence of childhood cancers, asthma and unusual birth outcomes. The study covered well pads, transmission hubs, land fills and impoundment ponds as sources of both air and water pollution. The University of Pittsburgh and the Pennsylvania Department of Health were scheduled to participate in the meeting but they both abruptly cancelled their appearances last week. Results of the study are to be released to the Department of Health on November 15. It is unknown when the study results will be released to the public. Concerned parties interested in asking questions or offering comment regarding the study are encouraged to contact the University of Pittsburgh at and the Pennsylvania Department of Health at .