Ribbon Cut On New Glass Recycling Facility

July 1, 2023 2:50 am

Thanks to a partnership with the Rotary club of Washington, the City of Washington, the Pennsylvania Resources Council and Range Resources, glass recycling will once again be available to city residents.  A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held on Friday to officially open a glass recycling bin at Washington Park.  The bin, which will be available for residents to deposit their glass bottles, jars and jugs, is located off of Log Cabin Drive and will be accessible Monday through Friday from seven a.m. until three p.m. and on the first and third Saturdays of the month from nine a.m. until noon.  The glass that is collected will be hauled to Michael Brothers in Baldwin, where it will be crushed and then sent to a Mt. Pleasant facility to be sorted by color and then pulverized.  After that, it will be sent to a manufacturer to be made into new bottles.  Officials say the bin is strictly for glass bottles, jugs and jars and will not accept cut glass, bakeware, light bulbs, mirrors, porcelain, ceramics, stemware or TVs.