Romanian Suspect Waives Skimmer Charges To Court

July 13, 2022 4:51 am

The second of two men charged with placing credit card skimmers on check out lines at Sam’s Club in the Trinity Point Shopping Center waived his charges to court. Raul-Mihai Cojocaru, a Romanian national requested a Fast Track plea hearing for his role in the event. Cojocaru and his accomplice, Constantin Colceag were found on surveillance footage to be placing skimmers on May 16. Employees discovered the skimmer on May 20. Both men are facing felony charges of usage of a device to record encoded information and conspiracy usage of the device. Both are being held in the Allegheny County Jail where they face similar charges in several areas of Allegheny County. Colceag is scheduled for formal arraignment on his waived charges on July 28. Cojocaru will face his plea hearing on September 14. Both remain in jail on $500,000 bond.