Season Of Lent Begins Wednesday

February 13, 2024 1:35 pm

Wednesday will have special meaning on several levels for Roman Catholics as Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day coincide. According to the Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh, the forty day Lenten season of prayer and penance is meant to convert hearts and minds back to God. Ash Wednesday is regarded as one of the most sacred days of the year for all Christians. It is important to note that Ash Wednesday is a holy day of obligation and also a day of fast and abstinence from meat. Many hoped for dispensation from the abstinence from meat, but Bishop David Zubik said that there will be no suspension from that obligation. A written statement from the diocese says “The observance of Lent, and its beginnings on Ash Wednesday, should always be of primary importance for Catholics. For that reason, although some might look for dispensation from the practices of fasting and abstinence from meat to celebrate Saint Valentine’s Day, Ash Wednesday is too important, too sacred to make such a concession. With that in mind, no dispensations from fasting and abstinence will be granted on February 14 in the Diocese of Pittsburgh. We should also remember that Saint Valentine was exactly that – a Catholic Saint! He would agree that the celebration that bears his name should take a back seat to Ash Wednesday!” said Bishop David Zubik. Distribution of ashes will be performed at all parishes. Contact your parish for their schedule for distribution of ashes.