More money is being made available for trade and vo-tech programs in Pennsylvania. Governor Josh Shapiro visited the Ruff Creek UMWA Career Center in Greene County Thursday to sign a bill earmarking 30 million dollars for the expansion of vocational training and investments in workplace development across the commonwealth. The Governor and Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry Secretary, Nancy Walker, were on hand to roll out the bill that will highlight job training, apprenticeship programs, and vo-tech programs. The bi-partisan deal is part of the 2024-2025 budget signed into law last month. Governor Shapiro says the secured investment will help open doors of economic advancement and give Pennsylvanians the opportunity to chart their own course. The bill is aimed at helping students, and those changing careers, to stay close to home and receive training in specialized fields that may fall outside of a 4 year degree program. The measure is designed to fill trade job openings and allow those who don’t wish to attend college to use their skills in other ways and make a fair living wage. Shapiro also addressed his heightened visibility over the past few weeks as a potential VP pick. He says although he is no longer in the running he is all in supporting the democratic ticket.