Shapiro Gubernatorial Campaign Stops In Donora

November 2, 2022 2:42 am

Democratic candidates for Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro and Lieutenant Governor Austin Davis held a rally in Donora on Wednesday. Approximately 100 supporters gathered at the American Croation Club to greet them as they delivered their message to voters as to why they should be elected and not their Republican counterparts. Austin Davis stated that he is a native of McKeesport and his wife is a Donora native and that he would champion the needs of the working class. Shapiro stated that he would continue the rights of a woman’s right to choose abortion, support trades and raise the minimum wage and rework the education system so that students that do not want to attend college have better opportunities to access trade skills that are vital to Pennsylvania. Shapiro drew a contrast between him and his opponent Doug Mastriano stating that “if you do not look like him, think like him, worship like him or vote like him” you are not a person he wants in Pennsylvania. Shapiro states that he believes Pennsylvania is a place for everyone.