Sheriffs Dept. Participates In ‘TOYS FOR JOY’

December 25, 2022 4:11 am

WASHINGTON, PA. — For a third year in a row, the Washington County Sheriffs Office had another successful drive for TOYS FOR JOY. The office was able to provide Christmas gifts to 110 children throughout the county. The team filled and shopped for every wish list provided according to a post on social media. They wrapped and distributed the gifts to either the school or the residence. They also donated toys and needed items to the Women’s Shelter and Domestic violence office. Some were sponsored children from the Washington Salvation Army wish list. The office also had great collaboration and community partnership with the Lemonye Center who shopped and provided toys for two of the children. We cannot thank our generous sponsors enough for helping make Christmas brighter for these families.  Sheriff Tony Andronas has seen a need in the community and has doubled the efforts this year to provide to more families in Washington County. (Photo: Washington Co. Sheriffs Dept. Facebook Page)