City Councilman Matt Staniszewski continued his absence from council since his August 26 arrest for DUI. A quorum to conduct business was reached with the participation of councilmen Joe Manning and Ken Westcott and Mayor Scott Putnam. Councilwoman Monda Williams was also absent from the meeting again. Staniszewski was called out by city resident Barry Andrews for his behavior. Andrews cited 3 other occasions that Staniszewski’s behavior “gave the city a black eye.” Andrews pulled no punches calling for Staniszewski’s immediate resignation from council. When asked about Councilwoman Williams’ absence, Mayor Scott Putnam stated that Williams planned to attend Thursday’s meeting but had difficulties with a trip. He anticipates her participation at meetings going forward. Absences by these two council people will stretch the effectiveness of council and could cause cancellations of meetings if a quorum of at least 3 council members is not reached. Putnam pointed to the recent troubles in Monessen and said that those kinds of incidents theoretically could occur in Washington. In brighter news, council unanimously approved an access road to the rear of Washington Park. The road will come in off of Clare Dr. and travel through the park to near the Stone Pavilion. Washington Park will now have two exits. This exit will be used only in the case of emergency. First Responders from Washington and South Strabane Township will have keys to a locked gate. The move was applauded by several members of the audience.