South Strabane Supervisor Resigns After Election Loss

November 23, 2023 4:01 am

South Strabane Township Manager Jeffrey Ziegler told WJPA News on Wednesday that the rumors surrounding the resignation of long-time board member Bracken Burns were true – he has resigned.  Ziegler says Burns submitted a letter of resignation to the board of Supervisors, dated November 7th, the day of the general election.  Burns, a Democrat, lost his bid for re-election.  Ziegler says the board has forty-five days to accept the resignation.  In the meantime, Ziegler says the board has reached out to Burns, asking him to reconsider, however they have received no response.  The supervisors next voting meeting will take place on December 12 because of the Christmas holiday. WJPA News also reached out to Burns for comment, but have received no response.