South Strabane Twp Supervisor Resigns

March 24, 2021 4:04 am

A supervisor position was made available in South Strabane Township on Tuesday night. Supervisor Thomas Moore tendered his resignation from the board and it was accepted unanimously with regrets. Moore is resigning due to health concerns. Supervisor Chairman Bob Weber stated that we will not only be missing a great supervisor, we will be missing a great friend. Opportunity was given to local residents to announce their interest in filling out Moore’s term that will end on January 3, 2022. Russ Grego who is the Public Works Director for the township expressed his interest as did resident Mark McCurdy who is a former Legislative Assistant in the State House of Representatives. In other township business, supervisors held a public hearing on a proposal to rezone a 141 acre parcel of land from C-2 general commercial to R-4 medium density residential. The request was made by the Meadows Landing Associates, LP. They plan a 334 unit mixed residential development on the land behind the Speedway Convenience store on Route 19. Supervisors later approved a master plan for that development pending approval of the zoning change.