LSA Committee To Reconsider City Mission Grant

March 8, 2024 4:46 am

Washington County Commissioners continue to have issues with a supposed grant that was meant to be allocated to the Washington City Mission. The disagreement centers on Local Share Account funding. Before the business section of the March 7 voting meeting, Commissioner Larry Maggi requested an item addressing the funding be added to the voting agenda. In a statement prior to his motion, Maggi said that the LSA Committee issued a list on January 30, of recommended projects to be funded in 2024. Number 38 on the list was the City Mission 50 bed homeless shelter with recommended funding of $500,000. He continued by saying that on February 6, a new list was issued and the City Mission 50 bed homeless shelter was removed. Maggi further stated that phone calls from the commissioner’s office were made to the LSA Committee indicating that the City Misson project be removed. Maggi expressed his disappointment with his fellow commissioners’ actions and interference in the LSA Grant approval process. Maggi then motioned to amend the voting agenda to include the $500,000 grant to the City Mission as originally proposed on January 30. Commissioner Chairman Nick Sherman amended the motion to have it read that the commissioners recommend the LSA Committee reconvene and consider the allocation of the remaining $500,000 held over for next year. The motion indicated that the City Mission project and all other projects not allocated be considered. Maggi’s motion was not considered because County Solicitor Gary Sweat stated that recent Sunshine Law amendments disallow approval of payments or contracts without 24 hours notice. The amended motion passed, and the issue is now in the hands of the LSA Committee. According to Sherman, it is his hope that the LSA Committee can meet virtually to discuss the matter and report recommendations back to commissioners before their March 21 meeting. All LSA fund recommendations must be finalized before March 31.