WASHINGTON, Pa. – The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection has issued two more penalties to Sunoco Pipeline LP totaling more than $313,000 for violations resulting from construction of the Mariner East 2 pipeline here in Washington and Westmoreland Counties. The DEP says Sunoco was fined for violations of the Clean Streams Law and Dam Safety and Encroachment Act for violations during construction activities in 10 counties. Horizontal drilling resulted in unauthorized discharges of drilling fluids consisting of bentonite clay and water, also known as inadvertent returns, to an unnamed tributary to Peters Creek in Nottingham Township; an unnamed tributary to Little Chartiers Creek in North Strabane Township in Washington County; and an unnamed tributary to Sewickley Creek in Sewickley Township in Westmoreland County. Sunoco failed to implement practices to minimize erosion and sedimentation at the sites, while also failing to temporarily stabilize all areas of the sites upon completion of earth disturbance activities at the sites. State agencies have issued more than 80 violations for more than $13 million in penalties during the project.