Supervisor Charged For Stealing Signs

December 1, 2023 9:27 am

A local supervisor has been charged with a misdemeanor theft by unlawful taking. North Franklin Township supervisor chairman Bob Sabot was turned in by incumbent prothonotary Laura Hough for taking one of her campaign signs while he was cleaning up signs for his wife Sandy Sabot, who lost to Hough in the November race for prothonotary. Sabot says that Hough was filming him cleaning up signs along route 40 in Centerville Borough on November 8, the day after the November general election. Sabot claims to have had signs for other candidates both republican and democrat. He says that he spoke with Register of Wills James Roman and told him that he would return his ten or so signs when he was done. Sabot says he handed the sign in question to Hough during the incident. Sabot will appear for a preliminary hearing on the matter on January 3. Laura Hough says that she will reserve comment until after the preliminary hearing.