Thousands Saved By Pa.’s Narcan/Naloxone Program

March 4, 2023 3:39 am

Harrisburg, PA – The Shapiro Administration is reminding Pennsylvanians about the multiple ways to access the life-saving opioid reversal medication, naloxone, as nearly 23,000 opioid overdose reversals have been made with naloxone purchased through one of the state’s programs since 2017.  “Anyone can save a life by administering naloxone to a person who is experiencing an opioid overdose,” said Acting Health Secretary Dr. Debra Bogen. “I encourage Pennsylvanians to obtain naloxone from a pharmacy, community give away event, or other sources – and learn how to give it. You never know when you could save the life of a stranger neighbor, friend, or family member.”   Naloxone is a medication approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) to rapidly reverse an opioid overdose by quickly restoring breathing to a person if their breathing has slowed or stopped.   While naloxone can be administered by individuals with or without medical training to help reduce opioid overdose deaths, individuals are strongly encouraged to take this free training to better prepare themselves to assist someone in need. Completing this training and printing a certificate of completion will protect individuals administering naloxone as Good Samaritans.  The Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency’s (PCCD) Naloxone for First Responders Program (NFRP) distributes free naloxone to organizations and individuals who may encounter someone experiencing an overdose.   Through the NFRP since 2017, Centralized Coordinating Entities (CCEs) distributed 214,514 kits (429,028 doses) to organizations and individuals who may encounter someone experiencing an overdose and an additional 265,308 kits of naloxone directly to organizations serving high-need communities through its statewide portal.   More than 22,815 overdose reversals have been reported using state-purchased NARCAN, a particular brand name of naloxone.