Three Arrested In Greene County 911 Snafu

July 23, 2022 3:53 am

(AP) – Authorities have filed charges against three more people in the case of a Pennsylvania 911 operator accused of failing to send an ambulance to the rural home of a woman who died of internal bleeding about a day later. Greg Leathers, Richard Policz and Robert Rhodes are charged with tampering with public records, tampering with or fabricating evidence and obstruction. They are or were managers for Greene County’s emergency management system. Prosecutors allege they failed to provide policy memo binders that detail standard operating procedures. Earlier this month, authorities charged 911 operator Leon Price with involuntary manslaughter in the July 2020 death of DianIa Kronk. The charges were based on Price’s failure to dispatch help without getting more assurance that Kronk would go to the hospital. All three men have surrendered to authorities and are free on twenty-five-thousand-dollars bond