Three Pittsburgh women have been charged with numerous criminal offenses including felony animal cruelty charges. Washington County District Attorney Gene Vittone says the charges stem from a search of 41-43 Hamilton Acres in Hopewell Township that turned up ninety-two German Shorthair Pointer dogs. Vittone says the conditions at the property were deplorable, filthy and inhumane. Vittone says many of the dogs had been fighting each other and had suffered injuries. According to Vittone, the dogs were seized and taken to the Washington County Fairgrounds where veterinary care was provided. He says two of the dogs have since died and three dogs have injuries so serious that they are still requiring care. Vittone says 30-year-old Lucy Ann Binakonsky, 26-year-old Emily David Binakonsky and 64-year-old Charlotte Binakonsky were all arraigned on multiple charges including animal cruelty, neglect of an animal and Cruelty to an animal. They face a preliminary hearing on November 18th.