WASHINGTON, Pa. —(WPXI)- Three Washington County men pleaded guilty in county court to killing nearly two dozen deer illegally. The Pennsylvania Game Commission said Ezra McClelland, 20; Julian Marth, 21; and Grant Bamberger, 20, all of Washington, poached 21 deer in Dec. 2023. Nine deer were reported to have been shot and left laying on Dec. 9. On Dec. 17 another call was made to the Game Commission that reported similar activity in the same area; this time 12 deer were found dead. The actors did not attempt to retrieve those deer either. Six of the shot deer were antlered bucks. The Game Commission said the three men pleaded guilty. They will lose their hunting licenses for life, serve seven days in county jail, and pay $6,300 in fines. The rifles used in the poaching spree were seized and will not be returned. Anyone who sees poaching or other wildlife crimes is asked to contact the Pennsylvania Game Commission by calling the agency’s 24-hour dispatch center at 1-833-PGC-HUNT or 1-833-PGC-WILD, or call the Operation Game Thief toll-free hotline at 1-888-PGC-8001.