Time To Get Into “The Swim Of Things”

May 25, 2024 2:59 am

The Washington Park Pool is going to be open and ready for the public to get into the swim of things on Memorial Day.  Park Director DeAnna Martin says the pool will be open from noon to six on Monday, Memorial Day and will then close for the rest of the week.  She says it will reopen for the season on June 1st.  Martin says pool goers will see a freshly painted pool that was the work of just about everyone on her staff.  She says the pool was badly in need of a fresh coat of paint, and with city council approval, they were able to get the work done in time for opening day.  The freshly painted pool isn’t the only fresh find at the park this year.  Martin says they’ll be having a Farmer’s Market on the second Saturday of each month through the summer, with the first one starting on June 8th.  Also, Martin encourages all pool goers and pickle-ball players to check out the concession stand this year.  She says they’ve got some tasty new treats for folks to enjoy.