Two local churches are hoping to make a difference in the lives of victims of Hurricane Helene in North Carolina. Reverend Clayton LaPosta, the pastor at North Buffalo Presbyterian and Taylorstown Presbyterian churches says they are hoping to fill a truck with disaster relief buckets that will then be taken to North Carolina at the end of the month and deposited in a warehouse that is being used for relief supplies. Reverend LaPosta says they’ve only just begun collecting the items and are overwhelmed with the generosity shown by Washington County. Reverend LaPosta says they are looking mainly for cleaning supplies and personal hygiene products. He suggests filling a five-gallon bucket with items like sponges; scrub brushes; liquid detergent, dish soap and liquid household cleaners. If you’re not able to fill a bucket, Reverend LaPosta says you can drop off individual items to the North Buffalo Presbyterian Church. All donations must be dropped off by October 28th, when they will be loaded onto a box truck and driven to North Carolina. If you have questions, you can call Reverend Clayton LaPosta at 724-420-7299. (Photo: AP)