Kane Community Living Centers announced Friday that two residents of the Glen Hazel facility have tested positive for COVID-19. Both residents were tested due to unexplained fevers. They remain at the facility in isolation. Following guidance from the state health department, Kane says it will be testing patients whose rooms are nearby to the two positive residents. Additional screening of staff who work on the unit will be implemented, including inquiring into sick relatives at home and monitoring for cough and sore throat in all staff and residents. Fever checks will be conducted on residents at each shift change. Since March 13, Kane has restricted all visitation except for certain compassionate care situations such as end of life, and all volunteer activity. Additionally, access has been restricted for all non-essential healthcare personnel. All group activities were canceled at the same time, and communal dining of residents was ended at the same time.
More Positive Coronavirus Tests At Kane Living Centers
March 27, 2020 12:42 pm