Union Alleges Improper Actions At County Jail

February 16, 2023 2:29 am

WJPA Radio anonymously received a copy of an email sent by the National Correctional Employees Union addressed to Washington County Correctional Facility Warden Jeffery Fewell and to Washington County Commissioners. In the email, an alleged breech of security protocols was committed by Warden Fewell on December 27 of last year. Fewell is accused of escorting a visitor to meet with an inmate that is monitored as a high security inmate without subjecting the visitor to security measures required by facility policy. The inmate in question is accused of homicide. Some of the allegedly ignored security measures included no search of the visitor, no removal of excess clothing such as jackets and not having the visitor empty their pockets to a locked cabinet to prevent the spread of contraband. After a more than 90 minute Prison Board meeting on Wednesday, Warden Fewell declined comment about the email. Washington County Chairperson Diana Irey-Vaughn stated that they are unable to comment on personnel matters or security issues in county facilities.